
Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Institution and Freedom

Institution and Freedom

Clint strikingly suggests that we should replace discussion of the hidden/revealed curch but in terms of the Spirit's advent. The prophets speak of a "drought of the world of the Lord" and there of course is the withdrawl of the Spirit feared by the Psalmist. One would need to say more than Clint does. The rub of this is that the Catholics and Orthodox that follow Clint's line can insist on the pneumatoloigcal freedom to pour out but it is that on which the Spirit broods that matters. Both of course insist on the Christological institution of the episcopal hierarchy as well as the the insitutiton of the sacraments by Christ. Are you thinking along Volf's lines here? The antecedent institution or gathered bunch of folks surely depends upon the coming of the Spirit but does the Spirit create that institution or free it?

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