
Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Democratizing Access to Jonathan Edwards

Yale is sponsoring a long-term project to make the archived material of Edwards available as an electronic resource on-line. This means you needn't travel to Yale to study Edwards.

My continued question- why isn't Augsburg Fortress and one of our seminaries engaged in a similar project with Luther's works?


  1. As with everything AF-y: $$$$$


  2. Are you talking about the original German texts, or the modern Augsburg Fortress/Concordia Press translations? I bit the bullet and bought the electronic version when it came out, because I never picked up the bound version. My guess is that the presses and translators are not getting rich off of the series, and also that wider online access to Luther's Works might actually spur interest in them.

  3. I'm actually referring to both. My understanding is that there is an electronic edition of the Weimar Ausgabe, but only at an institutional price for libraries. As for the AF/Concordia translation, yes, that is copyrighted and therefore not available on-line or in the public domain...

  4. Yes, there is money involved, for the publishing house, the seminary, etc to undertake such a project. These organizations need to bring in money (sales, tuition, etc.) in order to spend it (just like the rest of us). However, if someone were to underwrite the project, such as Thrivent or an individual donor, that's a different matter. But our seminaries and pub house have their own stewardship issues to manage . . .
