
Sunday, July 09, 2006

Pastor-Theologian Program Reading List

We're reading the following materials for our fall meeting. This year (the 3rd) the readings are particularly interesting.

Marianne Meye Thompson, A Commentary on Colossians and Philemon, 2005. We'll be reading Colossians all year as our Grundtext .

Catherine Keller, God and Power: Counter-Apocalyptic Journeys, 2005. Keller was one of those theologians I read in seminary who knocked the top of my head off. She's what you'd call post-foundationalist, feminist discursive, or any of a number of other apt titles. What she is is endlessly engaging, even if you don't agree with all her insights.

Michael Welker, God the Spirit, 1994. This was another great book from seminary, although I'm not sure it is as convincing as other pneumatological proposals I've read since.

I've also already begun reading one of our winter meeting books, John Webster's Holiness (2003). It's as if he were channeling Barth's prose. I'm not sure whether that is a good or a bad thing. In any event, it is brief.

What are y'all reading this summer?


  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Well, this lay person is reading St. Augustine's Confessions and just finished Tim Wengert's new book _A Formula for Parish Practice_. I had not realized how "Practical" the Formula of Concord was. Luther's Catechisms and the Augsburg Confession are obviously practical, but Wengert shows that the Formula is about very practical things as well.

  2. I'm glad you're reading this book. Feel free to post a more thorough review some time in the comments on my blog- I'll be reading the Formula book in August.
