Whereas all parents and sponsors of children covenant to place in their hands the holy scriptures and nurture them in faith and prayer,
Whereas all the baptized when they affirm their baptism promise to hear the Word of God,
Whereas the ELCA has begun a Book of Faith Initiative inviting everyone to join the conversation, to make a commitment, and to become part of the initiative (see http://www.elca.org/bookoffaith/overview/)
Be it resolved that the clergy of our synod commit themselves to living in and from the Word of God in their preparations to teach and preach, as well as personally in their daily devotional practices, so that as they commit themselves regularly and increasingly to hearing, reading, studying, sharing, and being engaged by God's Word, they lead by example in faithful service and holy living.
Be it further resolved that all voting members of this synod assembly covenant together to begin a practice of daily biblical study and prayer,
Be it further resolved that all congregations of this synod join the Book of Faith Initiative in order to become more fluent in the first language of faith, the language of Scripture, in order that we might live into our calling as a people renewed, enlivened, and empowered by the Word.
Be it further resolved that the bishop of our synod—who “as its pastor, shall be a teacher of the faith of this church and shall provide leadership for the life and witness of this church”—lead this initiative personally and through collaborative programmatic work with congregations of the synod;
Be it further resolved that we become a “Book of Faith” synod.
In joining the Book of Faith Initiative, your congregation or organization (and our synod) is committing to becoming more fluent in the first language of faith, the language of Scripture, in order that we might live into our calling as a people renewed, enlivened, and empowered by the Word.
(this is the draft of what we are submitting to our synod assembly- feel free to use and adapt, but please let me know if you will be using it, and in which synod)
ReplyDeleteI am working on a Book of Faith resolution for the NJ Synod. Do you know where your synod got their wording for this resolution? Is there some "suggested text" somewhere?
Paul Lutz, Princeton Junction, NJ
I wrote this draft, so some of the language is my own. I borrowed language from the ELW, the Book of Faith web site, ELCA constitution, etc. I have had our bishop and Diane Jacobson of the Book of Faith Initiative review it, and they both like it, so this could function as your "suggested text."
ReplyDeleteYou can also look at the book of faith web site for more information.
Thank you so much for this document and the thought you have put into it. My husband and I are leading a retreat this coming week for one synod's clergy and their spouses. The focus is on faith practices in one's daily life as couples. I wanted to link the retreat to the Book of Faith initiative and when I googled it = TADA! I gave you credit and also "tweaked" your language to add the covenants couples make at marriage and language of "households." We are engaging clergy couples with a resource we have created called "HomeGrown Faith Practices," beginning in the domestic church called Home. I will gladly share my "tweaks." Should I email them to you? Thank you! Linda Staats, Phoenix, linda@ydl.net