
Monday, February 02, 2009

Clergy-Labor Breakfast Press Release

Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice
2300 S. Park Street #6
Madison, WI 53713
(608) 255-0376

Contact: Rabbi Renee Bauer FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Mobile phone: 608-320-1144

Father Paul Ouderkirk Shares on the Aftermath of the Postville Raids

Drawing a wide range of clergy, community leaders, labor activists, and students, the Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice (ICWJ) will hold its annual clergy-labor breakfast on Tuesday, February 10th at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 1905 W. Beltline Hwy. in Madison, from 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. Rev. Paul Ouderkirk and Mr. Paul Rael of St. Bridget’s in Postville, Iowa, will speak on the effects of the raids on the Postville community

The event will be an opportunity for the Madison community to learn about the aftermath of an immigration raid at Agriprocessors meatpacking plant in Postville, and how supporters in the Madison-area can respond if a similar immigration raid were to take place here.

Ouderkirk, 75, cut short his retirement last summer when federal immigration agents raided the Agriprocessors factory, arresting nearly 400 workers in Postville. Since that time he has been one of the biggest advocates for the struggling immigrant community. He will share his experiences of ministering to the community in Postville in the aftermath of the immigration raids. Mr. Rael works on staff at St. Bridget’s and ministers with the Latino faith community in Postville.

Joining Fr. Ouderkirk and Mr. Rael will be Pastor Mark Anderson and Rabbi RenĂ©e Bauer. Pastor Anderson Assistant to the Bishop, will be speaking for the Northeast Iowa Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, which has been a big supporter of the immigrant community in Postville. Rabbi Renee Bauer, director of the ICWJ, will comment on the effect on and response of the national Jewish community to the raid at Agriprocessors, which was the country’s largest meat packing plant in the United States.

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