
Thursday, April 30, 2009

Supreme Court Justice Souter To Retire : NPR

Supreme Court Justice Souter To Retire : NPR

Bummer, Souter is actually my favorite Supreme Court Justice... justice of the third way...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Nuuk Greenland Pictures


Some folks I know have just moved to Nuuk, Greenland, and have been posting some photos. I confess I have some pride in actually knowing someone who lives in Greenland. And these photos are amazing. Blessings to Laura and Jesper as they settle in.

Youth Giving Order Form

Youth Giving Order Form

If you are interested in contributing material for service projects for the National Youth Gathering in New Orleans.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Christian Faur

Christian Faur

Pointilist paintings made out of crayons. Very cool!

Monday, April 20, 2009

As Susan Boyle lives her dream, what have we learned? --

As Susan Boyle lives her dream, what have we learned? --

Finally, a columnist writes about this event from my own perspective. People have intrinsic dignity regardless of how they look or what their talents are. The thing that has bothered me about the media event around Susan Boyle is that the TV show used their production values to frame the story and present it in a specific way, and I simply refuse to buy into it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Augsburg Fortress | Spark Bible (NRSV)

Augsburg Fortress | Spark Bible (NRSV)

I'm a contributor for this new kid's bible. Pretty excited about it, actually, and will be using it as our new youth bible for Sunday school. We plan to launch it with a special summer bible event!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

|| LIRS || Be Not Afraid

|| LIRS || Be Not Afraid

The Be Not Afraid Project
Resources for Congregations and Immigrant Families Fractured by Fear

Be Not Afraid logoBe Not Afraid is a project that equips congregations to respond to immigration issues impacting their members and communities. Congregations are fractured over the issue, unsure how to respond as the family of Christ. Pastors are facing a decline in membership and participation as immigrant members are deported or fear being detained. Immigrant families are fractured by a broken system that often denies due process, separates parents and children, and creates a culture of fear that interrupts daily life.

LIRS has heard from denominational bodies and individual pastors who want to do something to turn back the fear and inspire people with strength and hope.

In response, LIRS has launched the Be Not Afraid project. The pilot phase is now being carried out in five communities across the country — Los Angeles; Tampa; Austin/Albert Lea, Minn.; New Jersey; Long Island, N.Y.; and Houston. Four critical areas:

* Be Informed — Presentation and materials for immigrants and their families
* Be Equipped — Training and resources for congregation and volunteers
* Be Prepared — Network congregations and partners for raids response as needed
* Be an Advocate — Resources for those interested in advocating for better policies

Project tools for each area are designed in response to needs identified by congregations. LIRS, in collaboration with local clergy and lay leaders, further customize use of the tools for each particular community. Together we identify and train local leaders and support volunteers to implement the project. Together we faithfully respond to immigration issues and proactively meet the needs of immigrant parishioners and neighbors!

Days of Prayer and Action - Colombia Advocacy - Public Policy - Lutheran World Relief

Days of Prayer and Action - Colombia Advocacy - Public Policy - Lutheran World Relief

There are lots of ways to take action here. Get the bulletin insert to your church office for use in worship, e-mail and request postcards, make calls to your congresspeople, etc. LWR helps make advocacy relatively easy. You can make a huge difference!