
Sunday, March 14, 2010

I run. Somehow a hobby begun to burn off extra Mountain Dew calories during my first year of college has turned into a lifelong pursuit. Sometimes I run more (every spring I'm logging 30 miles per week in training for the Syttende Mai), sometimes less (this winter it was once or twice per week at the gym, then some other days cross-training on weights). But I always run.

I can't think of an athletic pursuit I'd rather pursue. I guess if I could step out my front door and play pick-up Ultimate frisbee I would give that a shot. And of course, I enjoy disc golf, regular golf, raquetball, and a few other sports. But left to my own devices, I love the simplicity and joy of running.

[I should add that if you can count sitting in a sauna as a sport, that might be the one sport I enjoy as much or more than running]

I consider running to be more than just a cardiovascular workout. It is a faith practice. When I run, I pray. I write many of my sermons while running. I get visions and dream dreams. And I get out and in touch with the natural world in ways I seldom do even while on a walk. A run gets you further, dirtier, and with heightened senses, into God's creation.

So yesterday when I got out on my first long run of the season, I re-committed, made a covenant, to get back into this running thing. Like many folks, my commitment to exercise ebbs and flows. Yesterday was a flow day. Praise God. And it probably helped that yesterday was a run in the rain and mist. Remember your baptism. Run.


  1. Nice. I still consider myself very new to running. I enjoy it, but I"m not good enough to have the mental and spiritual effects you describe. I am always surprised by how my mind seems to open up while swimming and walking. I seem to become more creative and have done a lot of problem solving on long walks. I have a similar response to riding my bike, but only when I don't have to think about traffic.

  2. Yeah, I get that about biking. One reason among many as to why I have never gotten into biking is the traffic issue. Running just does it for me in ways other repetitive exercises don't. thanks for your note.
