
Saturday, April 17, 2010

ELCA Social Statement on Genetics

Finished reading the Genetics statement tonight, and although I don't plan to go into great detail commenting, here are my brief reflections:

1) The document is very rarely actually about genetics. This needs to be fixed. It is far too padded with extraneous sentences and whole sections on topics other than genetics.

2) Even when it is about genetics, it is rarely clear. There are brief flashes of direct comment and insight, but mostly, it is secondary discourse on concepts rather than clear instruction and ethical reflection.

3) It rarely delves into the science, which is a weakness. If it is a teaching document for the ELCA, it should help us think about the science in relation to ethics and social policy.

4) Why does it have to be so vague?

Has anyone else read it? I'm interested in comments. I may try to host a conversation around it this summer so we can send back comments to the ELCA for the final draft.


  1. How much of the sexuality statement was a teaching document?

  2. I find it difficult to take anything that the ELCA says, seriously.

    The are ruderless and float hither and yon at their own whims.

  3. You can read my opinions on the statement at Scroll down to "When Faith and Farming Collide: Part 2". I'm working on a part 3 as well. Thank you for discussing the statement. Sarah :)
