
Tuesday, March 01, 2011


A Social Media Workshop for Church and Non-Profit Leaders

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
2925 Old Missouri Road
Fayetteville, AR 72703
June 11th, 10-2:30 p.m.

Church members, our colleagues, donors, the community, and the wider (even global) culture are increasingly using Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube as their Third Place for learning, community building, and organizing. You may wonder which social media to use, how to get started, how to make the most of social media, how the use of social media will change your work (it will), how to manage the time spent online, how to set appropriate boundaries, and how social media connects with the face-to-face real world.

This day of workshops will address these questions and more. Workshops will be offered by leaders of non-profits expert in the use of social media for church and non-profit contexts.

We will begin the day thinking theologically and ethically about social media, asking questions like: can there be church on-line? Can faith and justice be Tweeted? How does the "ambient intimacy" of social networking affect our day-to-day work and encounters? We will then move into some practical advice about getting started and social media best practices.  Finally, we'll go online and discuss the various social media platforms that are available and how best to use them.  The cost is $25, and includes lunch.  Contact Jane Coffin from Good Shepherd Lutheran, Fayetteville, or the synod office, to register.  Space is limited to 50 people. Bring your own laptop or networking devices.

Plenary Speaker: The Reverend Clint Schnekloth, pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Fayetteville, AR, writes the longest running Lutheran blog in North American, He is currently completing his Doctor of Ministry at Fuller Theological Seminary, with a research emphasis on faith formation in a post-print, social media culture. Follow his tweets @Schnekloth

Workshop Leaders: Angie Albright, Executive Director, NWA Women's Shelter, and Jody Dilday, Executive Director, Single Parent Scholarship Fund of Northwest Arkansas, for a Workshop on Using Social Media in Ministry and Non-profit, other workshops TBA

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