
Friday, April 01, 2011

How I Spent Last Week

In my first month as pastor in Fayetteville I posted a summary of a week. Then, new baby arrived, and everything went wacky and awesome. Now, post-paternity leave and three months into ministry at GSLC, I thought it might be informative and helpful to post another summary week.

Thursday- Marriage care conversation with a couple. Final preparations for Sunday worship and preaching. Wrote publicity for our Contemporary Worship Leader position that is opening up in June. Visits to two homebound members, including a nursing home and the VA, plus lunch with a Stephen's Minister who visits the nursing home.
Friday- Sabbath, family road trip to Tulsa Zoo and Siloam Spring
Saturday- Hospital visit, family time as compensation for many upcoming Saturdays full of church events, and during naps and evening finished the preaching helps for the Book of Faith Advent Year B study; also read The LutheranPro Ecclesia and The Christian Century.
Sunday- Morning worship, follow-up phone calls and care calls, reading and preparation for next weekend's council/staff retreat. Published blog post on Rob Bell's book, Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived.
Monday- Six hours of one-on-ones with our staff, working on alignment and vision; phone calls and notes organizing upcoming Maundy Thursday communion class.

Tuesday- Staff meeting, proofing new letterhead and logo, photo with newspaper for Faith Matters Saturday column, lunch with team from church interested in deepening our media ministry (video, web site, advertising, etc.), Memorial Committee meeting, Bible study, finished worship helps for Book of Faith, project completed!
Wednesday- Studied material for upcoming synod assembly, Stephen's Ministry coordinator summer training, and Scientists in Congregation grant and ELCA Genetics Social Statement; initial drafts of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter services; evening soup supper, Holden Evening Prayer, sermon on the Lord's Prayer, meeting with couple to plan June wedding; two nights this week prayed Compline with the St. Matthew's group on Second Life

Interspersed through here, although I can't remember precisely when, I read three books (Sticky Teams: Keeping Your Leadership Team and Staff on the Same PageDietrich Bonhoeffer 1906-1945: Martyr, Thinker, Man of ResistanceMarshall McLuhan: You Know Nothing of My Work!), wrote two sermons, had many impromptu conversations, wrote some thank you notes, invested prayer and conceptual energy in mission development, etc.

Hoping posting this offers insight for those curious how a pastor spends his or her week, or at least how I do; it's also helpful for me as an examen of where I'm investing time and energy.

God bless you.


  1. when's your day off? I thought I was busy, but you crammed a lot into 4 days!

  2. Diane, for some reason my first posting of this dropped my notes for Tuesday and Wednesday. They're up now. Sorry about that. My day off is Friday, and Saturday when I can get it. Thanks for reading.
