
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Who are you inviting to church this Sunday?

Most pastors kind of expect their parishioners to invite friends and neighbors (or camels) to church. Right?

However, if we take the Ghandian exhortation seriously, "Be the change you seek in the world," pastors should probably ask themselves:

"Who are you personally inviting to worship this Sunday?" 

All the clergy in my denomination, the ELCA, all inviting one friend or family member to church this week would go a long way towards reversing the decline of our denomination, and it would be authentic leadership by example, with integrity.

So, dear pastors who are reading this: Who are you inviting, personally, face-to-face, to come to your church this Sunday?

I'm inviting a nearby neighbor.

And if you are reading this and you aren't a pastor, I have the same question: Who are you inviting to church this Sunday?

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