Saturday, December 28, 2013

25 Best Religion and Spirituality Podcasts

On the drive across Iowa (Des Moines to Davenport) today I listened to two spectacular podcasts.

Both of them blew my mind, in different ways. The first was Tripp Fuller's spectacular book party with John Caputo at Homebrewed Christianity. He spent almost two hours talking to Caputo about his recent book, The Insistence of God: A Theology of Perhaps (Indiana Series in the Philosophy of Religion)

The second was Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann talking about the prophetic imagination with Krista Tippett in On Being.

We do sermon podcasts of our weekly worship from Good Shepherd, and I love to listen to sermons from all over, but on these long drives, it is these long-form podcasts that really allow the miles to pass quickly. It's hard to believe there's so much wonderful and intellectually stimulating theological content so readily available via the Podcasts app on your iPhone.

A while back, I posted Seven Great Religion Podcasts. Since that post, I've discovered, and so decided now is the time to create a 25 Best Religion and Spirituality Podcasts and collect responses from y'all on your favorite. So here it is. Vote for your favorites, and add ones not already on the list.

To begin surveying a good collection of such podcasts, you might also check out D.J. Chuang's list of expressly Christian podcasts.

1 comment:

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