
Saturday, August 09, 2014

The Six Most Popular Posts at Lutheran Confessions

Perhaps you are a long-time reader of Lutheran Confessions. Perhaps you are brand new to the blog.

Kicking off August of 2014, I offer here a review of the six most frequently read posts on the blog.

Like anyone committed to ecumenism, I grieve the fractured state of Christ's church. On the other hand and in the meantime, we are still called to celebrate the diverse gifts present in the various denominations and movements of Christianity in the world, and there's much reason to celebrate the ELCA. These are 11 reasons I'm proud to pastor in the ELCA.

If you're like me, you are curious what is "next" in the church, what are the developing edges, the innovative approaches. This set of interviews with mission developers in the ELCA is one great way to actually see the face of mission development in the ELCA.

The church goes through ups and downs. Individual congregations do also. These are 5 signs you are part of a health church. Ultimately, it's more fun and worthwhile focusing on building signs of health than worrying over the dis-ease. Invest in the health.

What does the fox say? That enigmatic existential question asked by pop singers from Norway rose into a tidal wave of popularity, and this post, five things norwegian foxes can teach theologians, surfs the wave.

A while back, quite a while back, when Mark Driscoll was controversial but not fallen, cult-like in his popularity but still basically orthodox in a Reformed fashion, I wrote this post, Look at Me Mark Driscoll, about what it is like emotionally to be a pastor while not having the charisma of Mark. 

If there is any one topic that actually creates all the other divisions that exist between various stripes of Christian movements in North America, it has to be differences in biblical interpretation. So this was my best attempt at describing my own, and I think many Lutherans, method of holding and interpreting scripture. Hi, my name is Clint, and I'm the least-bible minded pastor in America.

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