Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Pope Francis and Worker Justice

This morning, I was proud to stand with low-wage workers from the Capitol who are on strike today for fair wages as we rallied and marched to Capitol Hill to ask for a living wage and a meeting with Pope Francis. 
We know that Francis has a packed schedule during his first-ever visit to the United States this week and that workers of all faith traditions want to share in the Pope’s message of dignity and respect for all workers.

And we hope that when Francis addresses Congress later this week, that our Senators and House Representatives will heed his call for worker justice and make meaningful and bipartisan reforms that allow workers to sustain a family and put an end to a “throwaway economy” that values profit over people and planet. 

I wanted to make sure you saw the note below from IWJ’s executive director Rudy López, calling for prayers for each member of Congress to reflect on his or her own values and take action in accordance with the Pope’s message. 

Will you add your prayer for Congressional action?

We’ll deliver all the prayers to Congressional leadership and implore them to change the rules so we can raise wages and ensure that every worker gets paid for their full day of work.

Click here to add your prayer.

In solidarity,
Sung Yeon Choimorrow
Interfaith Worker Justice
Director of Strategic Partnerships
P.S. If you're not ready to send a prayer to Congress, you can also use this form to send a message.

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