
Thursday, September 07, 2006

1 & 2 Kings Commentary in Brazos Series

I am already in love with this commentary series after reading the first volume on Acts by Jaroslav Pelikan. And of interest to Madison folk, the lamb imagery is from the altar at Luther Memorial downtown Madison, Wisconsin.


  1. Clint,
    These are in the series that Rusty Reno is general-editing for Brazos. They represent a really important step in re-setting the Bible back into the Church. They are commentaries written by theologians, not Biblical specialists. Lamentably, I have not read the Pelikan yet, but I intend to do so. And the Hauerwas one on Matthew ought to be great. Jenson gave a preview of this Eziekiel commentary at the CCET conference at Duke (where he integrated his commentary on -- and recent obsession with -- Song of Songs into his luscious and gorgeous presentation). This series is worthy of your recommendation.

  2. I agree, I love the fact that a group of theologians are writing commentaries on Scripture. It's the first commentary series I've thought to myself- I'll buy the whole thing as it comes out like a subscription!
