
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Jesus Manifesto Mini Review

Rating: 4

Sweet, Leonard and Frank Viola. JESUS MANIFESTO: RESTORING THE SUPREMACY AND SOVEREIGNTY OF JESUS CHRIST. Thomas Nelson, 2010. 206 pages. Cloth. ISBN 978-0-8499-4601-1

Many books published today are now "value-added", published with excellent companion web sites. I recommend librarians review The Jesus Manifesto web site. At this site ( readers are invited to sign the manifesto and connect with others. Both authors are famous in the Christian publishing world, and also have their own web sites, and In their book, Sweet and Viola offer a fresh Christology. They believe that "to faithfully represent Jesus in our time requires re-presenting Him" (xiv). This book is perfect for a variety of contexts. It will fill a niche in libraries hoping to expand devotional literature focused on Jesus Christ. It will also energize small groups interested in experiencing "an inward revelation of Christ to our hearts by the Holy Spirit" (19). Highly recommended.

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