
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Writing and Productivity

Today is one of those days that I feel incredibly satisfied as a writer. I sent off the final material that will help launch the new Journal of Lutheran Ethics Preaching Series that begins this September at You can watch for an essay each month from pastors on the lectionary texts for late in that month as they connect to the social teachings of the Lutheran church.

Then, in really big news, I completed the content for the new pre-baptismal instruction resources that Augsburg Fortress will be publishing soon. My work was to write the keystone lesson plans. I think I'm more proud of this project than any book I would write, because it will (hopefully) be used very widely in the church as a resource for pastors as they do pre-baptismal instruction with families.

So, those two tasks accomplished, I can now move on to finalizing plans for VBS next week. This is what is fun about being a pastor. The diversity of tasks and relationships that come through your day. God bless each of you in your work and life.

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