
Monday, January 30, 2012

What to do during Lent

Title for whole season: ReLent  (Five weeks beginning February 26th): Twitter account to follow through the season: @re_lent

For our tradition Lent is a season of repentance, which includes a) sorrow for our sin, b) trust that God in Christ truly forgives us, and c) plans to do better. This Lent, we "relent" from some of the ways we have failed to respond fully to God's mission for us in the world, we trust that Christ is forgiving us and the Spirit leading us, and we look at creative ways to do better.

For the five weeks of Lent, we focus on key themes drawn from the tremendous little book Exponential: How You and Your Friends Can Start a Missional Movement:

We Multiply: Did you know a multiplying missional movement can start with you?
We Dream: Are we dreaming God-sized dreams?
We Connect: Are you in a group that is connecting the unconnected to God?
We Apprentice: Who has invested in you? Who can you pour yourself into to encourage and develop a leader?
We Catalyze: Are we identifying artists to lead us and catalyze God's mission in the world?

How will we engage these topics during Lent? The whole congregation will hear a big picture message on the topic on Sundays in connection with the Old Testament lesson for that Sunday. The themes tie in surprisingly well to the OT lessons.

Then, there will be a "going deeper" time Wednesdays following our soup supper and Holden Evening Prayer. Staff will discuss the book and topic weekly at staff meeting. Council and other leadership team will attend ALL Sunday and Wednesday services to lock in on the message and discuss in their committee and council meetings. We will offer a book discussion face-to-face for the whole congregation (see details at the beginning of Lent), as well as a Facebook group discussion.

Come get marked with ashes on February 22nd for Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the season, and commit to full participation in these events as we challenge ourselves to live as fully devoted Christ-followers in the real-lent world.

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