
Friday, July 20, 2012

Some notes from the second day of the 2012 ELCA National Youth Gathering #cwts12

1. The 18 year old daughter of missionaries was our best speaker last night. I hope she inspired our young people to consider missions and imagine themselves as missionaries.

2. The convention center is like a big family reunion. WELCA hosts a chocolate spa for adults. Lutheran Men in Mission set up bumper cars for the kids. Lutheran colleges offer a photo booth for groups. It's like every organization in our denominations shows out and plays the role they would play if we were a biological family at a family reunion.

3. Kids know how to pray, and at the Final Fifteen we are praying real and legit stuff each night.

4. Adult sponsors rock. Amazed at all the parents and adults loving on their kids.

5. Shane Claibourne is a Christian rock star, but I think he's also the real deal. I had no idea he sounded like a Baptist preacher from Tennessee. With dreadlocks and a bandana. And a practitioner of radical poverty.

6. Rachel Kurtz's new music is out of this world awesome.

7. Mmmmm, New Orleans food.

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