A contemporary appraoch to just peacemaking has sometimes been organized into a list of ten "practices" (see Gary Simpson's War, Peace, and God or Glen Stassen, Just Peacemaking: Ten Practices for Abolishing War). This is a helpful list, because it contextualizes just war thinking within the broader trajectory of a theology for earthly peace (Simpson, 79).
As you think of ways your congregation, an organization you belong to, a political movement, etc., takes action within one of these ten practices, feel free to post your insight or example here in the comments.
Taking peacemaking initiatives:
1. Support nonviolent direct action;
2. take independent initiatives that reduce threat;
3. use cooperative conflict resolution; and
4. acknowledge responsibility for conflict and injustice and seek repentance and forgiveness
Advancing justice for all:
5. advance democracy, human rights, and religious liberty; and
6. foster just and sustainable economic development.
Strengthening the cooperative forces of love and community:
7. work with emerging cooperative forces in the international system;
8. strengthen the United Nations and international efforts for cooperation and human rights;
9. reduce offensive weapons and weapons trade;
10. encourage grassroots peacemaking groups and voluntary associations.
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