Monday, May 18, 2009

Summer Bible Reading Challenge

The following is a draft of the summer reading program we are designing at church. Feel free to comment or add ideas if you have them. Thanks!

Attention all Children (and their parents) ages 2 through grade 12
Catch the Bible Reading Spark

Spark interest in reading the Bible this summer. Register your child to participate in our Summer Bible Reading Challenge. Registration begins June 14th, in conjunction with the kick-off of our week of Vacation Bible School.

Ready to turn a page? Log your minutes, earn points, earn bonus points, and help a cause! All you have to do is:

* Pick up the Bible appropriate for your reading level (Spark Story Bible ages 2 through grade 2 --or-- Spark Bible (NRSV) grades 3-6, Lutheran Study Bible grades 7-12)
* Score points by logging the minutes you read each day (prizes for each 4 hours read, to a maximum of 16 hours)
* Earn bonus points by reading with your parents or reading during worship (Sundays 9 a.m. or Wednesdays 6 p.m.).
* Win prizes while you are at it. Your Bible is free if you read at least 16 hours between June 15th and September 13th.

At the end of the summer, we'll have a special Bible celebration on Rally Day, September 13th, including Bible games, a Bible costume party, face-painting, and much more. In honor of your accomplishment, we'll make a donation to Global Missions to provide bibles for children around the world!

Members interested in sponsoring a free Bible can donate in increments of $10 per Bible, designated as "Spark Bible" in the memo line or on your giving envelope.

Parents, the Sunday school curriculum for 2009-2010 is called Spark, and is connected directly to these new Bibles. Confirmation will be based on the Lutheran Study Bible. This is a great way to encourage summer learning and faith development in preparation for another great year of Sunday school and confirmation. You might also consider picking up your own copy of the Lutheran Study Bible and attempt the Bible in 90 days challenge,

Read more about the Spark Bibles here,

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